GlitchTip's new release aims to improve the maintability of the GlitchTip project. It moves multi-factor authentication and social sign on handling to django-allauth's API. This change will not impact the frontend user experience, but will provide a more secure auth flow using a well-tested upstream app. It will also increase the range of GlitchTip's OAuth compatability, even with OAuth providers we don't test for. Finally, if you are hosting your own GlitchTip instance you can now refer directly to django-allauth's documentation.
GlitchTip previously offered a "remember this device" option for multi-factor authentication. This feature is not currently supported by django-allauth, so we will not be offering it for now.
Self-hosted users will need to update the callbacks to their instance with any OAuth providers they have integrated. For example, if you have your instance configured to work with Google OAuth, you will need to change the callback registered with Google to https://<your-glitchtip-domain>/accounts/google/login/callback/
. See django-allauth's documentation for details on specific providers.
This update marks the completion of our migration to django-ninja for our API views. Django-ninja gives developers type hints, provides first class async views, and utilizes the rust-based pydantic validation library.
Your time and financial donations are the only thing that keeps GlitchTip development going. GlitchTip is not backed by venture capital.