
Connect your Angular project to GlitchTip

GlitchTip recommends using @micro-sentry/angular. Alternatively, users who need performance data need to use @sentry/angular-ivy.


@micro-sentry features a very small bundle size and is easy to configure.

Install @micro-sentry/angular:

$ npm install --save @micro-sentry/angular

In app.module.ts add MicroSentryModule with your GlitchTip DSN.

import { MicroSentryModule } from '@micro-sentry/angular';

  imports: [


  • dsn - Where to send event data too, found in GlitchTip in project settings.
  • environment - Set the running environment name, such as "production". When running in Node, such as Angular Universal, this defaults to environment variable SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT. No default is used in browser.
  • release - Set release name such as "1.0". Required to make use of uploaded sourcemaps.
  • ignoreErrors
  • blacklistUrls
      environment: "production",
      release: "1.0.0"


@sentry/angular-ivy has more features including performance tracking. The package adds up to 277 KB to your JS bundle size.

Install @sentry/angular-ivy:

$ npm install --save @sentry/angular-ivy

For best results, add this snippet to your main.ts. If you need to set the DSN dynamically, you may set this elsewhere as well.

import { init } from "@sentry/angular-ivy";

  autoSessionTracking: false,


A more robust configuration example:

import { init } from '@sentry/angular-ivy';

  environment: "production",
  release: "1.0.0",
  autoSessionTracking: false,
  tracesSampleRate: 0.01,
  • dsn - Where to send event data too, found in GlitchTip in project settings.
  • release - Set release name such as "1.0". Defaults to environment variable SENTRY_RELEASE.
  • environment - Set the running environment name, such as "production". When running in Node, such as Angular Universal, this defaults to environment variable SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT. No default is used in browser.
  • sampleRate - Percent of error events to send to GlitchTip. 0.5 would be 50%. Defaults to 1.0.
  • tracesSampleRate - Percent of performance transactions to send to GlitchTip. 0.01 would be 1%. We recommend a lower value to save costs/hard drive space.

Performance Monitoring

It's possible to send performance transactions to GlitchTip.

Install @sentry/tracing

Add integration to SDK configuration:

  dsn: "GlitchTip DSN",
  integrations: [
    new Integrations.BrowserTracing({
      tracingOrigins: ["localhost", ""],
      routingInstrumentation: Sentry.routingInstrumentation,
  // Capture 1% of transactions
  tracesSampleRate: 0.01,

Show user feedback dialog

Provide a custom Angular ErrorHandler. In your root modules file, adjust providers:

providers: [
    provide: ErrorHandler,
    useValue: Sentry.createErrorHandler({
      showDialog: true,